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I wanna know that too! Erm- UM- It might be cuz of that weird pipe thingy that is attached under the sink. If my answer is wrong, dont get too het up cuz im just ten years old!

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Q: What would cause a leak under kitchen sink when electric shower is turned on?
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What would cause kitchen sink drain to gurgling when shower is running?

your vent on your shower or kitchen (if you have one) is not working and either the air from the water in the shower drain is carried down stream till it T's off to your kitchen sink then the air follows to your kitchen sink drain line backwards and to your kitchen sink trap and then bubbles through your trap because your water in your kitchen trap can not drain but the air has enough pressure to go through it OR your water from your shower is flowing past your kitchen drain T and making a siphon which causes air to go through your kitchen trap and makes the gurgling sound one way to fix the problem is to add a Vent line on your kitchen drain and your shower drain with in 42" on 1 1/2 or 60" on 2" on your trap arm if you want to follow the UPC code. Note to above Respondent: That little dot next to the question mark is a "period". Try throwing one in once in a while.

What would cause the garbage disposal in an apartment to back up into the bathtub which is now not draining?

Your kitchen sink drain and your shower drain are connected to a common drain line. There is some sort of blockage in the drain line past the point where the shower drain ties in. You need to call a plumber to run a snake through the drain line from the kitchen to where it ties in to the main drain of your house.

What would cause your shower to not get as hot as it used to and not stay as hot when other bathroom and kitchen faucets are fine?

The only thing that could cause this is outside air has leaked into the house and is cooling off the pipes. If the water heater is producing the temp that is set on the thermostat, then it will come out the same temp everywhere, unless you just think the faucets are getting hotter. If your water heater is electric, the elements could be getting bad or dirty from hard water,which will cause inefficient heating. But besides this,only cold air could cause the pipes to cool.

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cause you dont shower

Do electric baseboards heaters cause soot?

Electric baseboard heaters do not produce soot because they operate without combustion. Soot is typically a byproduct of burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, or gas, which is not involved in the functioning of electric baseboard heaters.

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you have an electric motor on the transfer case unplug it and see if you have power going to it if you do the electric motor needs replaced

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Seats in the main valve body are leaking by, allowing water to go to the shower head.

What happens to a shower curtain when a shower is turned on?

When a shower is turned on, the warm water and steam from the shower can create a slight vacuum effect that draws the shower curtain towards the showering area. This can cause the shower curtain to billow inward or stick to the person showering. The movement of the air, water droplets, and steam from the shower can also cause the shower curtain to sway or move.

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yes cause it cant have a shower dah

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