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it was used to explain how the saturated fats were not getting through Lorenzo's system because it was so clogged up

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Q: What was Augusto Odone's plumbing example used to explain?
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What was the contribution of the article by the polished chemists and where did it leave the Odones?

The article by the polished chemists highlighted the successful treatment of adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) using Lorenzo's oil. This left the Odones feeling marginalized and disheartened, as their years of research and advocacy were not fully acknowledged in the article.

Why did the medical community resist the odones' treatment?

the parents did not want to question the doctors. They believed that the doctors were correct on their theories of ALD

Why did the medical community resist the Odones treatment ideas?

the parents did not want to question the doctors. They believed that the doctors were correct on their theories of ALD

Why did the medical community resist the Odones' treatment ideas?

because they thought that they had knew everything there was about the disease and they did want people thinking otherwise about them

What were the objections of the physicians in Lorenzo's Oil?

In the movie "Lorenzo's Oil," the physicians objected to the unconventional treatment approach proposed by Lorenzo's parents, Augusto and Michaela Odone. They believed that the Odones' treatment plan was unproven and lacked scientific evidence to support its efficacy, and they were wary of deviating from established medical protocols. The physicians also expressed concern about potential risks and side effects of the experimental treatment.

Why did the parent support group resist the Odones treatment ideas?

They didn't want to get the other parents hopes up that Lorenzo's oil would save their children. In the time since the movie, it has been found that the oil works best for people who have the genetic marker for Adrenoleucodystrophy (ALD), but who have not yet developed the symptoms.

When you take codeine you get serious nausea is oxycodone the same as codeine?

It is very similar. Very few people can tolerate Oxycodone when they are allergic to Codeine. The basis of most prescription pain relievers is a derivative of Codeine. Unfortunately, I am severely allergic to Codeine, and the only pain reliever I am able to tolerate is Demerol, because it is 100% synthetic. I cannot even take over-the-counter Imodium, as it is made with Codeine. They have tried Morphine, Vicodin, Lortab, all of the "-odones", all with the same results. I assume each person is different, if you feel nauseous with any of these medications, notify your Doctor, as they may be able to supplement the medication with an anti-nausea medication. Good Luck. Ree Medical Assistant

Is triglycerides carbohydrates?

No, they are not carbohydrates. Triglyceride is another name for fat. Triglycerides are esters formed from glycerol or pentan-1,2,3-triol, and one or more fatty acids - long chain alkanoic or alkenoic acids. Fats and oils from different natural sources contain different fatty acids. One interesting story about fats and fatty acids is the story of Lorenzo's oil. Lorenzo Odone was a little boy diagnosed with adrenoleukodystrophy (ADL) and given two years to live. ADL is associated with the build up of very long chain fatty acids which appear to have a damaging effect on the myelin sheath of nerve fibres. This damage leads to loss of function and an irreversible loss of faculties in those afflicted. Paralysis, blindness and death were the normal outcomes of all boys diagnosed with ADL. Most unhappily, cognitive function of the brain seems to be unimpaired so the sufferer finds himself trapped within an increasingly non-functional body. At the time of Lorenzo Odone's diagnosis, little was known about the disease, except for the elevated levels of long chain fatty acids in the blood. Conventional therapy used nutrition and diet control to eliminate all sources of these long chain fatty acids in the diet. Counterintuitively, this regime seemed to increase the levels of the dangerous long chain fatty acids in Lorenzo's blood. So, his father, Augusto Odone, and mother Michaela Odone, started to teach themselves some biochemistry and got together a symposium of many scientists doing research into ADL and anything that might be related to it. As a result the Odones decided to load Lorenzo's diet with a specific oil, derived from olive oil, but modified in a particular way. This oil, Lorenzo's Oil, seemed effective in halting the progress of the disease in Lorenzo. It has since been used, with somewhat limited success in other boys having been diagnosed with ADL. It is a standard treatment now in pre-symptomatic boys who carry the ADL gene. Lorenzo died in 2008 at the age of 30 following a bout of pneumonia caused by the aspiration of food into the lungs, a common cause of death in patients suffering severe neurological dammage. The Myelin Project was created by Augusto Odone to coordinate attempts to restore damaged myelin in patients suffering from ADL and related disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Lorenzo's mother died in 2002, from lung cancer. Augusto continues to support the Myelin Project which he created. Lorenzo outlived his mother by 6 years. Doctors gave him 2 years to live in 1984. Fats are so interesting!

Are triglycerides carbohydrates?

No, they are not carbohydrates. Triglyceride is another name for fat. Triglycerides are esters formed from glycerol or pentan-1,2,3-triol, and one or more fatty acids - long chain alkanoic or alkenoic acids. Fats and oils from different natural sources contain different fatty acids. One interesting story about fats and fatty acids is the story of Lorenzo's oil. Lorenzo Odone was a little boy diagnosed with adrenoleukodystrophy (ADL) and given two years to live. ADL is associated with the build up of very long chain fatty acids which appear to have a damaging effect on the myelin sheath of nerve fibres. This damage leads to loss of function and an irreversible loss of faculties in those afflicted. Paralysis, blindness and death were the normal outcomes of all boys diagnosed with ADL. Most unhappily, cognitive function of the brain seems to be unimpaired so the sufferer finds himself trapped within an increasingly non-functional body. At the time of Lorenzo Odone's diagnosis, little was known about the disease, except for the elevated levels of long chain fatty acids in the blood. Conventional therapy used nutrition and diet control to eliminate all sources of these long chain fatty acids in the diet. Counterintuitively, this regime seemed to increase the levels of the dangerous long chain fatty acids in Lorenzo's blood. So, his father, Augusto Odone, and mother Michaela Odone, started to teach themselves some biochemistry and got together a symposium of many scientists doing research into ADL and anything that might be related to it. As a result the Odones decided to load Lorenzo's diet with a specific oil, derived from olive oil, but modified in a particular way. This oil, Lorenzo's Oil, seemed effective in halting the progress of the disease in Lorenzo. It has since been used, with somewhat limited success in other boys having been diagnosed with ADL. It is a standard treatment now in pre-symptomatic boys who carry the ADL gene. Lorenzo died in 2008 at the age of 30 following a bout of pneumonia caused by the aspiration of food into the lungs, a common cause of death in patients suffering severe neurological dammage. The Myelin Project was created by Augusto Odone to coordinate attempts to restore damaged myelin in patients suffering from ADL and related disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Lorenzo's mother died in 2002, from lung cancer. Augusto continues to support the Myelin Project which he created. Lorenzo outlived his mother by 6 years. Doctors gave him 2 years to live in 1984. Fats are so interesting!

Are triglycerides is carbohydrates?

No, triglycerides are not carbohydrates. Triglycerides are a type of lipid molecule composed of glycerol and three fatty acids, while carbohydrates are molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that serve as a source of energy in the body.