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Q: What source would you use to find an extensive amount of well-organized information on a topic to put your topic in context with other important issues or to find historical information?
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Historical context can tell us important information about?

Historical context can tell us important information about

Are considered an important historical source of information that are valuable because they provide information about a wide variety of people?

Old letters

Why should society support scientific research?

For extensive information about unknown things, discovering the earth is important for Medical, Scientific, and life reasoning.

Why sources of more important for study of history?

because history is more important in our life history it give more information about historical place & kings and kingdom

Why are field trips so important?

Students will acquire knowledge, clarify thinking, synthesize information and enhance historical thinking.

What is historical documents?

Historical documents are documents that contain important information about a person, place, or event. Most famous historical documents are either laws, accounts of battles (often given by the victors or persons sharing their viewpoint), or the exploits of the powerful.

Because letters provide important information about a wide variety of people they are considered one of the most of historical sources.?

democratic (apexvs)

Because letters provide important information about a wide variety of people they are considered one of the most of historical sources?

democratic (apexvs)

Does the information age mean you are losing important historical information?

-Technology has helped us to research better in history. -It is also useful for deciphering codes, signs and ancient languages. -But, technology makes it easier for the new generation to acquire information while historical people learnt things on their own by experimenting. This historical information taught us not to make mistakes. - Information technology has led to lack of interest in what remained in the past, with evergrowing interest in the future

Why are surveys one of the important sources to know about the historical facts?

I think it's important because they want to know more about you (to be honest is like a test about you and your appearance)

Definition of historical research?

Historical research looks at historical records from different sources to come up with certain new possibilities or replacement theories. Much that is recorded history is based on opinion, so it is highly likely new and important information may be recovered and change the interpretation of some historical events.

What is the historical significance of Nomads?

Nomads are important because if nomads didn't migrate around the world there wouldn't be any artifacts or information about early people.