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Tagline: Ask us anything

Meaning: It is simply meant as an invitation to stop, type your question, and submit it.

Can you really ask anything? - If it does not violate the site Guidelines, then, yes.

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Q: What site says Ask us anything?
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How you ask a question to this site?

you just did If you don't know, click on the "ask us anything", erase "ask us anything," and type in your question.

How do you post something on this website?

Type your question where it says "Ask us anything."

Did Abraham Lincon have pets?

it says ask us anything but apparently it does have a lot that i ask for school projects.

Where i can ask questions on

There is a bar across the top of the screen that says "Ask us anything." You can click there and ask your question.

Is this a really good site to ask questions?

yes be if we ask Question WIKI USER will help us WIKI USER is also called as Wikipedia so Wikipedia will help us and there is no virus in this site and we will learn anything in this site. best site Answer!

How do you send a question to Answerscom?

Into the top bar which says "Ask us anything", type your question.

What do you mean by saying ask us anything'?

by 'ask us anything' we mean literally, ask us anything!you can ask anything from the war of 1812 to todays go ahead, ask us anything!

How will I ask questions in answerscom?

Type your question into the white bar above, which says "Ask us anything." Then press Enter on your keyboard.

How you ask your Islamic questions?

You ask your Islamic questions the same way you asked this one; namely, by typing your question in the box that says "Ask us anything".

What class are you going to?

idk but wat i do know that is the box says ask us anything and they dont know nothing

Who is us in Ask us anything?

The 'us' in 'Ask us anything' is - You, me and the rest of the whole WikiAnswers community !YOU are the us.

How do i post a question on

Simply type in your question in the box in the top middle of the webpage that says "Ask us anything."