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You can search if there are sufficient questions on the category you are good in, in wikianswers. If you find atleast a 50 questions, you can request an y of the supervisors to help you form a new subcategory for that topic. You can also press the *NEW QUESTIONS* button next to unanswered questions which has a mix of many different topics!

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Q: What should you do if you really want to help contribute on WikiAnswers but you can't find a category you are really good at?
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Why are there no questions in the 'WikiAnswers Local' category?

"WikiAnswers Local" is a placeholder category for questions about certain countries. No new questions should be added to the main "WikiAnswers Local" category.

Why should you contribute to WikiAnswers?

WikiAnswers is an amazing site that helps people all around!You should contribute to WikiAnswers because it is very generous, and you will be able to help people with your knowledge, just like others on WikiAnswers that do their best to make sure WikiAnswers is:-Helpful-Safe-Secure-Provides good informationAnd most importantly:HELPS!

How do you edit a category on WikiAnswers?

To edit a Category Name or Description, please email Categories @ (remove spaces) explaining why the Category should be changed.

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Well, you can ask the supvisoers on here if you really want to. Plus, if there are loads of question about muse than it should be.

What is an example of a question that goes in the 'WikiAnswers Local' category?

'WikiAnswers Local' Is a Placeholder CategoryPLEASE NOTE: No new questions should be added to the main "WikiAnswers Local" category."WikiAnswers Local" is a placeholder category for questions about certain countries where English is spoken (Australia; Canada; India; New Zealand; Philippines; South Africa; and the United Kingdom).

What questions should be removed from WikiAnswers?

Many questions should be removed from WikiAnswers, but when it is removed from the data bases completely, people can just ask it again. There is a category called the 'Catch-All' category, and every question in it is the storage question to all answers that shouldn't belong on WikiAnswers. This category of questions has storage questions from having not enough information, to relating to cyberbullying.

Where should you search on WikiAnswers for information about disaster management?

The WikiAnswers category 'Natural Disasters' is a place where you are likely to find information about disaster management.

Why there is no category for animal anatomy in WikiAnswers?

Questions about the anatomy of specific animals should be placed under the categories for those animals. There is also a zoology category.

Why is there no One Republic category on WikiAnswers?

There is no "One Republic" category on this site because there aren't enough questions to qualify. To qualify for a new category there should be close to 400 questions of the subject.

Issue Why is there no 'Windows 7' category at 'WikiAnswers?

There it is. I see it now. The Bobit did not take me there when it should have. Bad Bobit.

What should you do if a question asks for alternatives for accessing a blocked website in school on WikiAnswers?

Put it in the "Bypassing Blocked Websites" category. For Supervisors, just trash it (to the mentioned category).

What if you request a new category and it is not added as a new category on WikiAnswers in 10 days after your submission should your try again?

If you submitted the request on the form accessed on the "How to Create a New Category on WikiAnswers" page, no, you should not try again. You should assume the request has been received and the category is being considered. If the category has not been added after a couple of weeks, you can write to support @ (no spaces) and they can make sure the request was received. If you did not submit the request on the form, go to the page at Related Links and resubmit the request on the form linked on that page.