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Everyone should have a cell phone, because it comes in handy everywhere. Sometimes you need to call home when ever there is a problem, and at school there can be after school programs that your child forgot to tell you about. It may seem like a style to you, but many kids really need it. It's not that they want to show off, they just want to have one and more than 90% of teens have phones now a days. Just get it for them to make them feel special and they might really appreciate you for that. Listen to your kids they know what they want more than you know what they want. Learn to listen to your kids, they matter too you know.

The best phone is the sidekick slide in the color black. If you do decide to get them a phone.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Additional findings from the smartphone survey: People between the ages of 30 and 49 are the heaviest users of smartphone features, while respondents who are 50 years of age and older use fewer features, particularly text messaging, games and social media, and do so less frequently.

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13y ago

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 31% of 8-10 years old own a cell phone, 69% of 11-14 years old, and 85% of 15-18 years olds. With the availability of simple cell phones these days, it isn't threatening for children to have their own cell phone as these only offer basic features. Through this, in fact, parents can enjoy a greater sense of peace of mind as they can easily and conveniently reach out their children anytime they wish to.

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12y ago

110% of teens have cell phones in America. it is a proven fact that every teen in America has a cell phone

that's not necessarily true; not EVERY teen has a cell phone. a couple of ppl @ my school dnt have cell phones.

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15y ago

It is found to be that about 98% of all college students have cell phones. :)

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14y ago

98% of high school students have cells the other 2% is blackberry or PDA.

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11y ago

Due to surveys and studies the results were that 66% of high school students bring there cell phones to school without permission.

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15y ago

9-12 35%

13-18 82.2%

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13y ago

a whole lot

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What percentage of people have cell phones?

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Of course people have cell phones in canada! thats like asking if they have cell phones in america!

What percent of kids have cell phones?

The majority of kids in the US have cell phones. Since the question was asked in 2008, costs of cell phones have dropped to point where price is not a barrier to owning them.

How did cell phones change communication in the early 1990's?

Cell phones allowed people to be in constant contact.

How many cell phones in the world?

As of December 2008, there are 271,000,000 cell phones in the U.S., about 88 percent of the population.In the world, there are 4,100,000,000 cell phones in use.For a full list of countries and number of cell phones, see related links.

What percent of humans own cell phones?

many poeple own cell phones but 4 out of 7 poeple most likrly do..........

What percent of kids have cell phones in the US?

About 60 percent including my sister

What is a cell phone provider?

A provider of cell phones its a business that sells phones to people

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Most to all cell phones today will have sms capabilities. Short message capabilities are almost a necessity now with about 70 percent of the population carrying cell phones.

What is the percent of teens that have cell phones?

The average number is around 90%