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Well that depends on how you define "new" and where you live. Assuming USA, and that by "new" you mean "newly approved for widespread use by the FDA," then there are a couple products.

1. Very large diameter Metal on Metal bearings for both Resurfacing and Replacements

2. Improved Ceramic on Ceramic bearings w/ less chance for fracture and wear.

3. Highly cross-linked PE plastic bearings that reduce wear up tp 90% compared to traditional replacements.

See the Stryker website for more info - Good Luck


Like the post above states if you mean hip replacement technologies 'newly approved and for widespread use' by the FDA. Then look no further than the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing(BHR) as it was the first Hip Resurfacing implant to be approved by the FDA in 2006. The BHR also has the best overall outcome scores of any hip resurfacing.

The BHR works by resurfacing the Femoral head and fitting a metal, not plastic as used in Total Hip Replacements, acetabular component (socket). This large diameter Metal on Metal implant has significantly lower wear than Metal on Plastic which is so commonly used.

It is a bone conserving surgical procedure, which means in the future should a patient require revision surgery this is much easier than if the original procedure was a total hip replacement. There is no reason why patients should wait until they hit 60-65 before having a total hip replacement - if the hip is giving you pain and discomfort then resurfacing could be you. Many local doctors and GPs will tell you to sit tight and wait until you are a suitable patient for a total hip replacement. The BHR has FDA approval in the US and has over 13 years of analysed data showing high success rates!

Another even newer implant is also available and once again designed by Derek McMinn. Introducing the Birmingham Mid-Head Resection (BMHR), a short stem implant is something of a halfway point between resurfacing and replacement. The implant was designed as an option for patients who suffer from bad bone quality and didnt meet the requirements of a BHR.

The BMHR hasn't been FDA Approved in the US at the moment however the implant is available to international patients here in the UK. This is one of the newest concept/design to hip replacement and is set to make a lot of patients lead a pain-free life!

The BHR is ideal for young active patients, who wish to get back to their previous active lifestyle. See the McMinn Centre website for more details!

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