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They would all be approaching each other.

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Q: What logical conclusion could be made if the light from all of the galaxies were affected by blue shift?
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What is a 9 letter word for conclusion?

"Decision" is a 9-letter word that can be used as a synonym for conclusion.

What makes an inference different from proof?

A proof assumes that there is only one correct answer/conclusion to a series of logical statements. An inference is also a conclusion, but it is possible that the connection from fact to conclusion could be interpreted differently by different people.

Do all valid arguments have true conclusions?

No, valid arguments can have false conclusions. Validity refers to the logical connection between the premises and the conclusion, ensuring that if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. However, the validity of an argument does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion, as the premises themselves could be false.

Why might there be a black hole at the center of most galaxies?

The speed of rotation of a galaxy is related to the mass of the galaxy. Most galaxies appear to be spinning more quickly than their masses could account for, leading some scientists to believe that (many? most?) galaxies are heavier than they appear to be. So if there is a lot of extra mass that we cannot see, a black hole is a logical supposition. We can't prove it - yet - but many astronomers believe that supermassive black holes may reside in the centers of most galaxies.

Which objects began to form in your universe earlier stars or galaxies?

Galaxies are the massive collection of stars. Therefore galaxies could not have formed without stars.

What is most likely used to lead a reader to jump to a conclusion?

A logical fallacy, such as generalizations or false cause, could lead readers to jump to a conclusion. These fallacies often present misleading or incomplete information that can sway the reader's thinking towards a predetermined outcome. Emotional appeals or biased language may also influence readers to reach a premature conclusion.

What do galaxies think?

Milky way - "I bet i could take you on in a fight, Andromeda!" Andromeda - "Bring it on!" No galaxies do not think!

Could you exist if galaxies did not?

no we couldn't because galaxies mean the milky way and if the milky way wasn't here we wouldn't

What is the definition of inferring and an example?

An inference is the act of coming to a logical conclusion without actually witnessing or having first hand knowledge of an event. Example: From the way he stormed out of the audition room, I could infer his audition went poorly.

Can't we communicate with other galaxies?

no because we have no way of knowing what kind of life forms are on other galaxies because they could be aliens(:

Current accdent rate in the US?

As many as those who inflict it,those who avoid it,and those who underestimate allow,the current factual precise answer is not logical bases to expect or assume such a answer to the focus,might or actually follows in existence to date. Preferably non logical bases to assume in depth reading could be made and categorized to fit a accurate and reasonable,factual,logical real time,conclusion in spite and on the premise of exorbitance or potential misunderstanding.

Which theory could explain the disappearance of some galaxies?

nebular theory