If you really like technology then here are a couple of things that invole technology such as computers, game systems phones, or other things.
Videogame producer
Colledge tech support
School tech
Nintendo company
If you like video film making technology
Hollywood (lol)
If you want more, check on google.........hope this helped.
Jobs for computers:
Computer Analyst
Computer Engineer
Computer Techichan
Look these up on the internet to find out what they are..
Yes he is the CEO of Apple.
More information about a job with computers skill can be found online at the Jobstreet.com. The website gives you information about profiles for certain jobs, the application procedure and which jobs are available.
it is the future of working and jobs. Lazy people of the world watch out
Steve Jobs worked for Atari, and Steve Wozniac worked for Hewlett-Packard.
Quaterniary jobs are jobs to do with computers.
You can get a job making hair weaves, working with computers and preparing food. There are many different types of jobs in India, like any other country.
Most people who have a job working with computers have a degree in computer science or software engineering. software engineers use math and computer science to create and design software for our computers.
Answer Traditional jobs might be secretary, or working in a place that takes care of children while the parents work, or for that matter even mechanics. Modern jobs would be more adjusted to the fields of computers and computer languages as that's where the work place is heading. The more computers, the less need for large scale employee's. True computers get viruses, but employers don't have to pay vacation benifits, they don't have Unions to argue with and computers for the most part can work 24/7 and never loose a day because they are sick.
there was 100 indians working at the jobs
Some jobs require computers and some jobs have computers in offices to stay connected with email and other resources. Today, there aren't many jobs that don't require computers.
Steve Jobs He created Apple computers and Macontosh