So it doesn't freeze.
There is insulation between the outside and inside wall of a hot water tank. There is also an insulation product that you can get to wrap around the outside of the hot water tank as well. Kit is usually available at any plumbing or hardware store. Only good for electrical HWT, as a gas tank has a flue and the insulation would be a waste on the outside of the gas tank
The space shuttle external tank was made primarily of aluminum with a foam insulation layer applied to its exterior surface. The aluminum provided structural strength while the foam insulation helped regulate the temperature of the propellants inside the tank.
Thicker lagging, cooler water, warmer position for the tank.
Filling the space between the outer casing and the inner tank of a water heater with glass is not necessary. This space is often filled with insulation material to help retain the heat of the water inside the tank and improve energy efficiency. Glass is not typically used for this purpose due to its fragility and lack of insulation properties.
a fiberglass insulation blanket that has a plastic jacket, they sell them specifically for hot water tanks
The efficiency would be about the same. The only difference would be the time factor. The larger the heating element, the quicker the water would get to temperature. One other factor to consider it the insulation factor of the tank. The more insulation around the tank the longer the water will stay at temperature the less energy is used to maintain the temperature of the water in the tank. Also to consider is the incoming temperature of the cold water entering the tank. The colder the water the longer the time factor is to heat the water to a specific temperature.
Insulation keeps heat from escaping. So if you insulate a water heater, it holds heat better, and does not need to reheat the water as often.
It is a fiberglass or metal tank filled with some kind of resin that collects the impurities in your water.
No. I believe the insulation is made of a ceramic material. A permanent magnet will lose it's effectiveness if exposed to heat.
The "bladder" in a bladder water tank is typically made using a durable, puncture resistant fabric that is made to withstand pressure and prevent the pillow from popping.
If you are a container made of Glass and you are stuck together with some kind of water proof silicon then you probably are a tank.