The number for Central Hudson 845-452-2700. You can find this number if you search the title of the company on the internet or a local phone book or yellow pages.
The toll free telephone number for your area for Allstate Insurance will probably be stated on their central website.
It was and remains the telephone number for Bouschelle Rug cleaners in Chicago, IL. It was sung in their television commercials as "Hudson 3 - 2 - seven hundred." Search on "Bouschelle."
Central Telephone was created in 1971.
Central Telephone Company of Virginia was created in 1971.
Central Telephone Company of Texas was created in 1956.
South Central Communications - Telephone - was created in 1996.
In the United States and Canada, that's the next three digits after the area code. For example, in the number (999) 555-0123, the central office code is 555. Other countries organize their telephone numbering systems differently.
central north Canada
The Hudson Hotel in NYC can be contacted through the 'contact us' link on the Morgans Hotel Group website. There, they have a contact form and also links to their various social media pages. The also have phone numbers. The Hudson's telephone number is 212 554 6000.
The phone number of the Hudson Branch Library is: 727-861-3040.
As far as I can determine - all public transport is now handled by a central number - 020 7222 1234.