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According to TY, it is not published by a major recording artist... they said they bought it on a royalty-free website... I'd still like more info, if anyone has it... I REALLY want to buy this song.

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Q: What is the song on the tygirlz homepage?
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I do I hate tygirlz but i love webkinz so i would love to give you my tygirlz code i have NOT use it yet!here it is: Warming:this code can only have been used once so you have to try it if it dose not work it means someone already used it! if it works it means you are the first one to see it!

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do not really know but i hope you find out

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yes it is 8472 i tried it and it works!

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youtube probably or disney's shake it up homepage

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no sorry i didn't even know there was a game called that