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"Shortest contract is a month to month cell phone plan. It is best for those who can not afford a regular cell phone, or have no credit. Also ideal for kids."

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Q: What is the shortest T mobile contract?
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Can I have T-Mobile buy me out of my Verizon contract then leave T-Mobile after one month then get the new Apple yearly upgrade plan?

No... T-Mobile will buy you out of your Verizon contract - BUT - you will then be tied to T-Mobile for their minimum contract term. If you then leave T-Mobile before your minimum contract ends - you will pay a 'penalty' pf any whole unused months !

What t mobile mobile phones do not require a contract?

The only mobile phones that do not require a annuL contract fee with T Mobile are the pre paid phones that the customers purchase. All other T Mobile phones would require the customer to have a annual contract with company.

Transfer sprint contact to t mobile?

Sprint and T-Mobile are different companies. You could port your number to T-Mobile, but if you are under contract with Sprint, you will be charged an early termination fee. So if you're asking if you can transfer a Sprint Contract into a T-Mobile Contract. The answer would be; no.

How often do you get new T-Mobile phones with a service contract?

You usually get a new phone every time you renew your contract with T-Mobile. This is usually every two years.

Does a T Mobile prepaid plan require a contract?

No, the T Mobile prepaid plan does not require a contract. All T-Mobile prepaid data and voice plans include no annual contract, national coverage with no roaming charges and many other features.

What do you need to buy a phone from t-mobile?

You going to sign a contract or no contract? For a contract to get your phone cheaper you will have to do a credit check.

How much does the htc mytouch 4g cost?

The htc mytouch 4g for t mobile with a two year contract can cost as low as $199.99. Without a two year contract with t mobile the htc my touch mobile costs $499.99.

How do you unlock a t-mobile v3 razor free?

If you've already had a contract with T-Mobile for a few months, they should unlock it if you ask.

How much is the t mobile tap?

$80 with a two year contract

Can you use the iPhone if you have a contract with T-Mobile?

Yes, use your friends'.

When will your tmobile phone come when orderd?

We can not answer this question as it depends on the contract between you and T-Mobile to which we are not a party. If you are having problems You should contact T-Mobile.

Where can you buy the lg intouch max?

i saw one in t mobile on contract