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the setting is a dull bedroom that the main character thinks to previously be a child's play room when in actuality it resembles a place for a mentally ill person, for example the bed is chained the ground there are bars on the window and a gate on the door.

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Q: What is the setting for The Yellow Wallpaper?
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The ISBN of The Yellow Wallpaper is 0-486-29857-4.

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote The Yellow Wallpaper.

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The cast of The Yellow Wallpaper - 2014 includes: Ruth McMeel as Mary Gilman

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To find yellow wallpaper for a bathroom, check out any department store. For example, Walmart, Target and Sears all sell wallpaper at varying prices.

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The protagonist in "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a nameless woman who is suffering from postpartum depression. She becomes increasingly obsessed with the wallpaper in the room where she is confined, leading to a deterioration in her mental state.

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