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A restricted number is one that has been purposely blocked from showing up on caller ID. Typically, these are numbers of telemarketers or bill collectors. Most cellphones can be set to ignore calls from restricted numbers.

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12y ago

when someone types in front of a phone number *67 ex:*67555-5555

and they don't what you to know who they are

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Related questions

How can you call a restricted number on your cellphone?

You can't; that is why they are restricted.

How do you get the number of a restricted call?

You don't. It is restricted for a reason.

How do you find out who called you from a restricted number?

you cant. that's why its restricted

Is there a way to text someone from a restricted number?

No, it is not possible to send a text message to someone from a restricted number. A restricted number typically blocks the recipient from seeing the sender's phone number.

What is the number for restricted calls?

How you put restricted calls is bu putting *67 then the ohone number

What does it mean when your phone says restricted?

If you mean that when a person is calling you it says "restricted" that means that a private number is calling you. To say your own number is restricted, put in *67. Hope this helps!

What is the difference between restricted unknown and NO ID calls?

the restricted call does not show the number calling at all. The no ID call is a call not restricted but also not registered in your cell phone so the number shows but the name does not.

Can the police unblock a restricted number?


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why would the number of members of an unlimited liability co-operative society be restricted?

What does p squared represent in p2 plus 2pq plus q2 equals 1?

If restricted to integers, then p is -1, 0 or 1. If restricted to real numbers, then any number in the interval [-1,1]. If not so restricted then any number you like.

How do you make a number restricted when you call?

*67 then dial the number as you would if you were calling regularly

What is the least number of multiple pairs?

If restricted to integers, the answer is 1 - for any prime number.