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Q: What is the recommended cable length from the modem to the router or access point for wireless Internet connection?
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What are the things required to have an internet access?

wireless connection

What do you need to put Internet on a dsi?

Nothing. Except a wireless internet connection you can connect to. Go to settings then internet then wireless connection then search for an access point.

Can I set up wireless internet on PS3 without a computer?

Yes you can if you have access to a wireless internet connection. The wireless connection or wired connection can be made if you have an internet connection and you can purchase a connection without a computer. However in general most locations (For example homes) without a computer do not have access to an internet connection. You will know if you have a wired connection because you are paying for it every month. For a wireless connection you may live close enough to a free wireless provider. Go to setting on your play station and at the bottom of the choices is one for network connections. After you click that try to set up an internet connection. The PS3 will search for wireless connections in the auto mode choice that will come up after the machine determines that you do not have a wired connection. Even if the search finds a wireless connection you may not be able to access the connection without a password, however if you can then you have set a up connection to wireless internet.

I want to know where I can find a wireless access point for my home>?

Well, if you have an internet connection subscription, then it doesn't matter where you can get an access point because the household receives internet connection. If you have an internet service provider, the wireless access point should be an automatic process.

Is anything special needed to access wireless internet from a MacBook?

To access internet wirelessly from a MacBook, you will simply need a wireless connection available. You will need to the passwords and other related information for your wireless router. You will also need to turn on your wireless card (Airport card) in your MacBook. Simply setup your connection to your router.

How do you set up a wireless connection on a PS3?

you need to set up your wireless router with your internet connection to your computer, and then search for an access point on the ps3 under internet setting, under set up connection, then just follow the instructions from there

Is a wireless internet adapter needed with the Playstation 3 for wireless connections?

All models of the Sony Playstation 3 have built-in wireless capabilities. As long as you have access to a wi-fi access point or wireless connection within a few hundred feet of the Playstation 3, it should be able to wirelessly access the connection.

Can you have Facebook on your ipod touch without having wireles internet?

No, you cannot. Since Facebook is on the internet, you must have the Facebook app and a wireless internet connection (via a wireless router) to access Facebook.

Is it possible to connect a computer that has an Erthernet card using a data cable to a computer using a wireless internet connection and also have access to that computers internet connection?

yes you can

What components are required to build a WLAN and what are their functions?

A WLAN is a wireless LAN. This is what you need: 1. An internet connection 2. A Wireless Access Point that connects to that internet connection 3. A wireless card in your desktop 4. Configuration of the WAP to provide DHCP That's about it

How do you access internet on Sony psp?

establish a connection then select internet browser BTW you need a wireless (I use linksys) router

If you have a wireless card do you need a phone line?

No, but you do need an access point so you can connect to the internet. If you do not have an Internet connection available then your wifi is useless, it only serves as a way of connecting to an existing Internet connection.