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Text messaging helps senders send messages without calling. They are a good substitute for making calls when you are low on minutes.

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14y ago

To send a quick message to a friend or family member.

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How text messaging affect teen literacy?

does text messaging effect writing outside of text messaging

Difference between instant messaging and text messaging?

Text messaging is on your ohone while instant messaging is in your computer (AIM)

Does WikiAnswers have a text messaging service?

No, WikiAnswers does not have a text messaging service.

If text messaging isn't on your cellphone how do you put text messaging on your cellphone?

All cellphones have text messaging unless your cellphone is one of the first cellphones ever invented. Go to your cellphone carrier and talk to them about how to acess your text messaging.

What equipment you need to send text messaging?

a cell phone with text capability and a mobile plan that allows text messaging.

What companies offer free text messaging?

U.S. Cellular offers free text messaging as long as it's an incoming text. Techically, there is no such thing as free text messaging as one still pays for the service.

How do you write an essay about effects of text messaging?

Text messaging is something that is well known in today's world. Some people think that text messaging can cause death and is bad for people.

How can text messaging be used to develop mis reports?

text messaging can be used to analysis for FAQ database.

When did matti makonnen invent text messaging?

Matti Makonnen invented text messaging at the begging on the 1990s.

Text messaging is also called?

SMS text Messaging

What is another term for text messaging?

texting or messaging

Is text messaging good?
