There isn't one. It's just opinion. Year after year, they just make phones that have better applications you could get on them like email, facebook, unlimiting texting, websites, etc. They is no world's number one phone, but there are some impressive high technical phones out there.
The phone number of the Honor America is: 321-727-1776.
The phone number of the Heart Of America Library is: 701-776-6223.
The phone number of the Catholic University Of America is: 202-319-5079.
The phone number of the Victorian Society In America is: 215-636-9872.
The phone number of the Fairbanks Family In America is: 781-326-1170.
The phone number of the Carriage Museum Of America is: 859-259-4232.
The phone number of the Bicycle Museum Of America is: 312-222-0500.
Just call the bank of America phone number and ask them yourself, stalker
The phone number of the Gangster Museum Of America is: 501-318-1717.
The phone number of the Bicycle Museum Of America is: 419-629-9249.
The phone number of the Carriage Museum Of America is: 717-656-7019.
The phone number is in the link below!