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I'm not sure of your question, but in astronomy, there is a "Local Group" of more than 20 galaxies to which the Milky Way belongs. About half are elliptical, with the remainder being of the spiral or irregular type. As in other clusters of galaxies, members are probably kept from separating by their mutual gravitational attraction. The Milky Way system is near one end of the volume of space occupied by the Local Group, and the great Andromeda galaxy (M31) is near the other end, about 2,000,000 light-years away.

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Some names I've heard are:

The observeable universe

The local universe

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Virgo Cluster

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the solar system

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Q: What is the name given to the cluster of galaxies to which our Milky Way belongs?
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a telescopeIn 1925, Edwin Hubble discover cepheid variable(s) in what we now call the Andromeda Galaxy. From those he could tell that the group of stars was too far away to be part of the Milky Way. It was the first proof that other galaxies exist.

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