

Best Answer

Piping systems are prevalent throughout our everyday world. Most

of us think of piping systems as underground structures used to

convey liquids of one sort or another. To the novice, the concept

of pipeline installation underground sounds relatively straight

forward: a) dig a trench, b) lay the pipe in the trench, and c) fill the

trench back in.

from the one and only puppadog :)

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9y ago

If it under crossing or any road not less than 0.80 Meter. And in any place away from roads about 0.5 Meter.

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The equation to calculate water depth is: [ Water Depth = Volume of Water / Surface Area of Water ]

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To find the difference between the initial and final depth of water is to subtract the final depth by the initial depth. The initial depth of what is what the water depth starts at and the final depth is the depth of the water once it is finished filling up.

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the maximum depth that you can go in the water without a decompression stop is 130 feet. Below 210 feet it is dangerous to dive without mixed gases.AdditionThe maximum depth is not known since people are always trying to break the record. But you must be properly trained and have the necessary equipment. For normal recreational diving, the above answer is absolutely correct and the recommended limit is 130 feet for many good reasons.

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