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Eta Carinae is a stellar system in the constellation Carina.

It has a mass of about 100 -> 150 Suns. [See related question]

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How big is Eta Carinae?

Eta Carinae is a massive binary star system located in the Carina constellation about 7,500 light-years away from Earth. The primary star is estimated to be around 100 times the mass of our sun, making it one of the most massive stars known.

What is the temperature of the eta carinae?

Eta Carinae is a massive binary star system, not a single star, so it does not have a single temperature. However, the primary star in the system has a surface temperature of approximately 25,000 Kelvin.

How far is Eta Carinae?

Eta Carinae is a stellar system in the constellation Carina.It is approximately 7,500 -> 8,000 light years from us.

The biggest star in galaxy?

Eta Carinae.

What is the difference between Eta Carina and Eta Carinae?

Eta Carina is a dance band from Charlotte, North Carolina.Eta Carinae is a star system in the Carina constellation about 8,000 light years from our sun.

What is the temp of high mass star?

Eta Carinae, with a mass 180 times that of the sun has a surface temperature of around 40,000 K. It is the hottest known star.

What is the temp of the stars?

Eta Carinae, with a mass 180 times that of the sun has a surface temperature of around 40,000 K. It is the hottest known star.

Is Eta Carinae a nebula still?

Yes it is and will be so for quite a while.

What type of star is Eta Carinae?

Eta Carinae is a massive and highly unstable star known as a Luminous Blue Variable (LBV). It is one of the most massive and brightest stars known in the Milky Way galaxy, and it is located in the Carina constellation.

What is the peak radiation for the hottest stars?

Eta Carinae is one of the hottest known stars, with a surface temperature of approximately 38000 Kelvins. According to Wien's displacement law, the peak radiation of Eta Carinae is 76 nanometers, which is far into the ultraviolet spectrum.

What is the hottest supergiant?

The hottest supergiant star is known as R136a1, located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It has a surface temperature of around 50,000 degrees Celsius, making it one of the hottest known stars in the universe.

What elements are in Eta Carinae?

Eta Carinae is a massive binary star system located in the Carina constellation. It consists of two massive stars, with the primary star being a blue hypergiant and the companion likely a massive hot star. These stars are surrounded by a dense nebula of gas and dust.