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Q: What is the information identifying the patient such as name health record number address and telephone number called?
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Why do medical records include notes of all telephone calls to and from a patient?

For a patient information

What is Cristiano Ronaldo's email address?

If you're patient he'll come on-line and answer for himself lol

Does everything about a person in a hospital need to be confidential?

With the institution of HIPPA, yes all identifying information about a patient needs to be keep confidential unless consent is given by the patient to release said information

What is the form that contains the patient's demographic information?

The form that contains a patient's demographic information is typically referred to as a "Patient Registration Form." This form includes details such as the patient's name, address, contact information, date of birth, gender, and insurance information. It is a critical component of a patient's medical record and helps healthcare providers accurately identify and care for the patient.

What address for sending flowers to a patient?

....that depends where the patient is. Im assuming the information you'd need to give the person/company delivering the flowers is the address of the hospital, the department and the patients name

What is the process of identifying a medical disease or condition called?

The process of identifying a medical disease or condition is called diagnosis. It involves gathering information about the patient's symptoms, medical history, and conducting tests to determine the underlying cause of the illness.

Why is the information gathered from the social history of a patient important?

The information gathered from the social history of a patient is important because it provides insights into the patient's lifestyle, support system, and potential risk factors. This information can help healthcare providers understand the patient's overall health status, tailor their treatment plan, and address any social or environmental factors that may impact their health outcomes.

The printed source of information intended specifically for patient education is?

A patient information packet

What does a prescription?

Medication, strength, number of pills per refill, number of pills to take per dose, frequency of dosing, duration of treatment, and number of refills. In addition, the prescription includes identifying information about the prescriber and the patient.

What is the best method to use when identifying a patient before administering a medication?

Have them state name and date of birth.

The is the only person who can authenticate the information in a patient's medical record.?

The only person who can authenticate the information in a patient's medical record is the patient.

Who is the only person who can authenticate the information in a patient's medical record.?

The only person who can authenticate the information in a patient's medical record is the patient.