Legislation passed by the United States Congress on March 3, 1873 stated that: "the Postmaster General shall cause to be prepared a special stamp or stamped envelope, to be used only for official mail matter for each of the executive departments",[5] to this end, the official stamps were issued on July 1, 1873 for the Executive Branch and the departments of Agriculture, Interior, Justice, Navy, Post Office, Treasury, and War following the ending of the franking privilege though the stamps were only in use for seven years mainly due to the need for departmental postage accountability.[10] The Post Office also printed official stamped envelopes for their own use.[5] In March 1877 the stamps became unnecessary, because a congressional act permitted government departments to provide their own envelopes endorsed "Official Business"
Home mail service.
The Overland Mail Act was when the congress stopped the deliver of mail by the stagecoach service Butterfield Overland Mail Trail.
Home mail service.
Home mail service.
Microsoft is behind Hotmail, which was an early free web e-mail service. Hotmail is also known as MSN Hotmail and was part of the Windows Live service.
the USPS was started in 1775 at the second continental congress.
There are many businesses that offer free mail service for users. Some good businesses are yahoo, gmail, msn, and aol. Of course, these are just a few of the options that are out there, tried and trusted by many.
Some of the most widespread free e-mail service providers include GoogleMail, sometimes known as Gmail, which allows you to filter your mail to elude the spam e-mails and Hotmail which provides free e-mail around the World giving you the opportunity to chat over instant messenger with friends completely free as well as receive e-mail.
There are many services available that provide free e-mail accounts to their customers. Some of these services are Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and AOL Mail.
Franking privilege
Franking Privilege