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Q: What is the domain for Gmail?
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What is the domain for Google Gmail?

The domain for Google's Gmail is .com. It is the most widely used domain on the globe. It is not restricted to an area but is global.

What is the domin of Gmail?

The domain of Gmail is .com. It operated worldwide so can't rely on a local domain. .Com is the most widely used domain.

Is Gmail a co or com domain?

It is a .com

How do you switch from a Yahoo Mail account to a gmail account?

You can switch from Yahoo account to Gmail account easily. The account can be created on Gmail account. You can export all the data from yahoo account as well.

Does Gmail end in net or com?

Gmail ends in com domain name. It is a worldwide domain name which is the most popular one. .Com is the one used for the most big organisations.

Since WikiAnswers email is through Gmail but not at the Gmail domain can you use multiple sign in from your personal Gmail with your wikianswers email?

Yes, you can, if you turn it on within both accounts.

How does a business with multiple users switch from outlook to gmail keeping their domain name?

Google Apps allows you to add your existing domain name to their Gmail service. You can then route your email address (keeping the addresses) through the Gmail service. There is a free trial version but for the full service there is a fee.

How do you make email id without a domain name?

You dont need your domain, you can use some free services like Gmail, or Yahoo mail, so that is a way to get email ID without domain.

Message Header?

Email is from a public domain (here, gmail dot com) instead of a specific domain where the concerned person is affiliated with The subject of the email is not specific to the topic that is being discussed (here, Note)

What domain do you need to use to make a google voice account?

To have a Google Voice account you do not need a domain. What you DO need is a Gmail account or Google Account. You will also need a US phone number.

Can you have a Gmail account with a domain other that Gmail dot com?

Yes, you can. You need to use Google Apps for that! The you'll have email ids like[ is used as an example here, I don't think they use Google Apps]

How can you block all mail from Facebook domain?

I have found great success in changing your default email to a gmail account and using Gmail to filter it into oblivion. Of course, you could go through the privacy and application settings and flip these off one by one.