piping deals with small sized pipes used for domestic use or small scale industry use with less transportation capacity.
Pipeline Engg deals with transports of hydrocarbons with huge capacity through long distances.
Piping - Large series & networks of Pipes within the well defined boundaries of the plant/plot with all fittings & equipment's like Pump, Valves, Unions & other Miscellaneous items with an intention to transfer fluid from one facility to another within those boundaries as required.-------------------------------
What the difference between process piping and power piping?
pipe = one piping = a system of piping arrangements
Designer mostly drafting, piping engineer mostly calculation
The only difference between gray and white PVC piping is in the color. They're both PVC.
please tell me the difference between thickness
Pipe = single unit of free laying pipe in reference generally rigid, metal carries fluids liquids or gas or vapor capable of handling high temperature and pressure Piping = compound noun for pipe work in general which includes a plurality of pipes, joints, valves, unions and other related equipment. Pipeline = generally long sections or lengths of piping of larger diameters that run cross country carrying oil, natural gas or even water
Process piping contains the product or piping integral to the process of creating the product. Utility piping is supporting the process but is not integral to the process, typically fresh water, cooling water, steam, condensate
Gutters are normally open Sewer piping is closed
A rubber expansion joint is designed to absorb movements in piping systems due to thermal expansion or vibration, while a dismantling joint is used to provide the ability to dismantle a pipeline into separate parts for maintenance or repair purposes. The rubber expansion joint helps to prevent damage to the piping system, while the dismantling joint helps to facilitate easy access to the pipeline components.
The water expands thus making the piping expand until it breaks