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I think you are missing the point brother! are really out-context and definitely mis-undertand the whole picture of what i am saying, the fact is you just copy paste your idea somewhere else, then make it that you understand what you trying to say. Anyway, if you are classic example of a guy who want to sell an ideas base on what they are reading in the internet. You are definitely certified hoax., because i know what i am saying, i am with the process and i am doing advertising design and using my philosophy in graphic design. So, when you are dealing with a Advertising Design you are doing the same thing as graphic design. Since in order for you to make advertising design you should follow the process, you have to apply the principles and elements of the graphic design so that what you trying to convey will be in right thoughts and direction. Advertising is art. and Art is Graphic Design.

As i said before, you just mention all meaning of each words, base on ideas of they are pertain to, you never check out the evolution of the words, you never analyzed the history, you just came out the box telling anybody the you are right base on meaning of what you have read and learn. I guess you are not a Graphic Designer, you are just a wordy guy who read a lot of thoughts but never consider other ideas never come out the box, i hope you understand what i am trying to say. Being a graphic designer is not just seeing what you have studied and learn from the past, you need to digest it and evolved from it, that is history. Your great idea today will never be a great idea in future, you have to learn to read between the lines brother, this i what this page all about, it is about fresh ideas. Peace!!!!! I pointing this answer to 2nd to the last who answer this query.

Advertizing design is more for publicity and advertisements, and graphic design is for personal use.

This is a misleading answer and very, very inaccurate. Advertising is primarily about selling a product or service. Design, music, trends, weird scenarios, stunts, graphic design - anything, really - is used to promote a related or unrelated product or service.

Graphic design is about conveying meanings - in terms of what's really there - more than selling a target audience a concept or idea that's preconceived to be popular.

Why are people so confused about this contrast? There's no moral superiority within either profession; both are varyingly dependent upon useful content to be successful. Graphic design, though, is closer to being a skilled craft - and skilled craftspeople, though they may be very good at what they do, may not be the best at marketing the worth of these skills.

Advertising tends to enhance or 'put in its best light' anything a paying client wants to have promoted, regardless of its manufacture or worth. So, for this reason, those who work in this profession may tend to become more jaded and cynical.

Graphic designers, regardless of their medium (print, web, motion, etc) are perhaps closer to being modern day skilled tradespeople, like fine cabinetmakers. They care about how well something is made - and how clearly meaning is conveyed.

I agree that first answer regarding the difference between advertising design and graphic design is really misleading and no merit at all. But as far as improvement made, though you were able to explain the basic process of graphic design and advertising design you tends explain that both are just work in different direction and approach, which you are completely wrong. History of fine arts and advertising will tell you that both are separate entity or subject, Although, fine artists during the earliest time, considered that they are graphic designer too once they master all the elements and philosophy of Advertising and Fine Art. Then since two discipline work together in hand and hand in modern world, eventually educator and masters of arts decided to merged this discipline into one subject as a Graphic Design, which covers the entire work of both fine art and advertising needed to our modern world. So,i concluded that graphic design and advertising in our modern world, that there's no differences at all, since graphic design and advertising design can be used in the same manner and the same meaning at all no difference since all fall under graphic design subject.

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Q: What is the difference between advertising design and graphic design?
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