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The main difference is that a land line means that the phone is physically connected to the network via cable, while a mobile is only connected by a radio channel.

When referring to a land line 10-digit US. number xxx-xxx-xxxx, the first 3 digits are Area Code, the 2nd set of 3 digits are the exchange code and then a unique number.

For example, in the phone number 710-622-2230, "710" is the area code; "622" is the exchange code, and "2230" is the unique number.

In the case of a mobile number, the first 3 digits are called MCC (Mobile Country Code) and the next 3 digits are MNC (Mobile Network Code). In the above example, "710" is the MCC, and "622" is MNC if it is a mobile network.

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9y ago

A cordless phone has a base station that must be plugged into a landline phone jack. A mobile phone talks directly to the network.

A mobile phone has many more features than a simple cordless one. A mobile phone these days is like a little computer, when a cordless phone can only tell the time and hold your contacts aside from calling

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14y ago

just the difference in handset

Different kinds mobile phones have different battery capacities, receiver sensitivity, and signal strength, and some have a limited amount of internet capability as well as cameras, keyboards and other handset features.

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12y ago

A land line telephone uses a pair of copper wires running all the way back to your local telephone exchange ( or central office )to communicate with the telephone system.

Where as a cellular telephone uses a radio signal to communicate with your local Cellsite (or communications tower)

A land line telephone can be very simple, a call can be made with just a a hand-full of components, a Cellular handset on the other hand is very complex, it must contain complex software as well as digital, analog and RF circuitry

The land line telephone interface is quite old. e.g. 100 year old dial telephone would work on most landlines today.

Where as the Cellular phone "air interface" is much more modern, with GSM only coming into use in the 1990s.

A land line telephone communicates using analog signals, where as a Cellular phone communicates digitally, your voice is converted into 1111s and 0000s

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9y ago
  • cordless phones must have base station to communicate with network but no need of base station in case of mobile phones
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