The country code for the United States, along with Canada and a variety of Caribbean and nearby islands, is +1.
Cellphones in the US do not have any special area codes. They use the same geographic area codes as landlines.
That is a mobile number - from the UK. This is distinguished by 44 - the country code for the UK, followed by 7. All the UK's mobile numbers start 07 - but when calling from abroad - you omit the zero
Telephone country codes have 1 to 3 digits. Country code +1 is North America (USA, Canada, etc.). Country code +7 is Russia and Kazakhstan. All other country codes are 2 or 3 digits.
Country code +44 is the UK. There are several landline city codes beginning with '2', including 20 for London and 28 for all of Northern Ireland.
To find out the physical location of a particular mobile phone:Get a valid court order from a judge.Call the mobile provider.=or= Call the mobile and ask its owner.To find out where a mobile number is based, you need to parse its telephone number. In most countries, mobile numbers are segregated into special area codes that serve the entire country. For those countries, the country code (the first 1, 2, or 3 digits of the international number, excluding any prefixes like 00, 011, 010, or 0011) will give you all the information you can get.In other countries, like North America (country code +1 = USA, Canada, etc.), Brazil (country code +55), and Mexico (country code +52, with all mobiles prefixed +52 1), mobile numbers use the same geographic area codes as landline numbers. In those cases, the area code will pin down the home location of the mobile more precisely.In India, there is a bit of a hybrid system. Mobile codes are grouped into 22 geographic zones, but neither the zones nor the code numbers correspond directly with the geographic area codes for landlines.
That is a mobile number registered in Pakistan. 92 is the International code for the country, and all mobiles begin with the digit 3.
If you have a GSM or other mobile that permits this format, you can enter all telephone numbers (not just other mobiles) in your mobile phone book beginning with the country code, including the plus sign. For example, the USA is +1, the UK is +44, and Fiji is +679. In most (but not all) cases, you drop the leading '0' from the domestic number, so that London's 020 becomes +44 20. The advantage to storing numbers this way is that the mobile network will automatically substitute the appropriate prefix to complete your call, even if you're roaming in another country.
Timor-Leste (also known as East Timor) is country code +670. All numbers are seven digits after the country code. Mobile numbers begin with +670 72.(Note that country code +670 was previously used by the Northern Mariana Islands, including Saipan, which now use North American area code +1 670 instead.)
Burkina Faso is country code +226. All numbers have 8 digits after the country code +226.Mobile numbers begin with +226 6 or +226 7. Landline numbers are divided into three geographic area codes:+226 20: Banfora, Bobo-Dioulasso+226 40: Ouahigouya+226 50: Ouagadougou, Koudougou
That is not a UK mobile number ! It would appear to be a landline number for someone in the London area - indicated by the digits 20 (after the country code of 44). HOWEVER - no area code in London starts with an 8.All UK mobile numbers start with a 7 - so the number would start 00447xxx
Djibouti is country code +253. Landlines in the city of Djibouti begin with +253 21. Landlines in the outer districts begin with +253 27. Mobile numbers begin with +253 77. All numbers have 8 digits following the country code +253. Note that all telephone numbers in Djibouti changed in March 2012. See the related links for details.
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First of all, replace the leading 0 of a UK domestic mobile number with country code +44. For example, the mobile number 07700 900123 becomes +44 7700 900123. If you have a GSM mobile, enter the number in international format, beginning with +44. If you have a non-GSM mobile, replace the plus sign with the international access prefix 011.