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Q: What is the correct order of the following events on the road to German unification?
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What events helped with German Unification?

The Berlin wall came down.

What was the most important events in the unification of the germanic kingdoms?

There is a few important events that happen in the unification of the Germanic Kingdoms. A main important event that happens was that Germanic Kingdom and the Roman Empire reunited.

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3, 4, 2, 1

Which came first in the sequence of events that brought about the unification of Germany?

Otto Von Bimsmarck unified the various German states (Apart from Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg) against the French in the Franco-Prussian War.

What is the correct chronological order of the following events in history of ancient Greece?

3, 4, 2, 1

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The correct order of events in the inflammatory response after tissue injury includes: Vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow and limit bleeding. Vasodilation to increase blood flow and bring immune cells to the site of injury. Increased vascular permeability allows plasma proteins and immune cells to enter the tissues. Activation of immune cells to clear pathogens and promote tissue repair.

Which event came first in the sequence of events that brought about the unification of germany?

Otto Von Bimsmarck unified the various German states (Apart from Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg) against the French in the Franco-Prussian War.

What was the result of Revolution of 1848 in German?

The Revolution of 1848 in Germany ultimately failed in its goals of unifying the various German states and establishing a democratic government. Despite widespread uprisings and protests, conservative forces were able to maintain control, leading to a significant setback for the revolutionaries. The events did, however, pave the way for future movements towards German unification.

Which of the following is a correct sequence of events from oldest to most recent?

I'm happy to help with that. However, I don't see a list of events to choose from. Could you provide me with the events you'd like me to order from oldest to most recent?

What was the most important event in the unification of the Germanic kingdoms?

There is a few important events that happen in the unification of the Germanic Kingdoms. A main important event that happens was that Germanic Kingdom and the Roman Empire reunited.

What is a list of the following events in the correct chronological order.?

The correct answer is: the French and Indian War ended, the Townshed Acts were passed, and the Boston Massacre.

Did Otto Von Bismarck single handedly achieve German unification?

One can not solely claim that Otto Von Bismarck brought about German unification. It was a number of factors which worked in his favor. For example, the Zollverein was an effective economic force in unifying some of the disgruntled southern states with Prussia. But in relation to Bismarck 'single-handedly' achieving German Unification, one could state that he did so pragmatically, in such events as the annexation of Luxembourg, which caused an upsurge in nationalism and anti-french feeling throughout Germany, this allowed him to have a huge military budget passed and gave him the ample opportunity to defeat Napoleon II. One could not just argue that Bismarck single-handedly achieved German unification, it was brought about through 'blood and iron' and not 'coal and iron' as Keynes later argues. Pragmatic actions coupled with the superiority of the free trading Zollverein under the helm of Von Roon. It should also be noted that Bismarck never planned full German Unification, a key primary source that concludes this can be found in a letter to his wife, which reads 'There is nothing left to achieve in our lifetime'. But evidently the military pacts Prussia had made with southern states on the eve of warfare meant that if warfare broke out, Prussia would have political dominance over those states. Nationalism within Germany at the time can not be credited as a significant factor in German unification. Numbers within nationalist groups were always relatively low, and it is important not to confuse nationalism with patriotism. Thus concluding this short response. It was pragmatic Bismarck actions that brought about German unification, but Germany was certainly not unified by Bismarck 'single-handedly'.