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Q: What is the compartment for astronauts called?
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What kind of equipment do astronauts use to sleep?

Astronauts sleep in a vertical position by strapping themselves into sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of they're sleeping compartment.

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What are the people called who go to the moon?

People who go to the moon are called astronauts.

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Chinese astronauts are known as Taikonauts.

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What is the part of a space shuttle that the astronauts ride called?

The part of a space shuttle that astronauts ride in is called the crew module or orbiter. It is the spacecraft's living quarters and the area where astronauts perform their tasks during the mission.

What is a compartment in a stable called?

I is called a "Stall"

What was the spacecraft that the astronauts took from the Apollo 11 to the surface of the Moon called?

The spacecraft that the astronauts took from Apollo 11 to the surface of the Moon was called the Lunar Module (LM). It was also known as the "Eagle." The LM separated from the Command Module in lunar orbit and carried the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin to the Moon's surface.

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What is a astronauts helmet called?

An astronaut's helmet is called a space helmet or spacesuit helmet. It is a crucial component of an astronaut's spacesuit as it provides oxygen and protection in the vacuum of space.

What is the dress of astronauts called?

The dress of astronauts is called a spacesuit. It is a specialized garment designed to protect astronauts from the harsh conditions of space, including temperature extremes, microgravity, and lack of atmosphere.