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put this on the CSS code:

div#topnav, div#header {display:none;}

And it removes the nav. bar with it. But ads will not show up.

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Q: What is the code to remove ads on MySpace 2.0 profiles?
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Well You Need To Tell A Lil For About It.I Wish Would Add Like Were You Can Put Some Thing About What Your Asking. It Would Help About. But Here Is Two.Set Your Profile To 2.0 And Put This In The Css Box"For Add's On Profile That Are Always On Your Profile":For Css Box:#header{display:none;}#footer{display:none;}Add's That Come Up When You Add A Layout You Got From A Site:You Will Need To Edit The Code Your Self.Lots Of Adds Are Not The Same.Taking Off Add's Is Kinda A No No Thot,You Need To Give Credit To Who Made The CodeAnd On Myspace Its The Same.Answered By DjLowseYou Know You Love Me :]