Download ClubpenguinCP Money Maker for free it gives you up to 50,000 Coins
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You go on the CP page and you click on the coins symbol then you choose I Have a Book and you carefully type the code in and then... you get your prize!
Coins on clubpenguin are money. You need coins to buy things.
cp = codigo postal, which is equivalent to the zip code.
When you go to the Disney stores in England you may find some Cp toys most come with Small coins with small picture of a fish on the back. On the other side of the coin there is a code if you a code enter it on cp by going on unlock items online. If you are lucky you will get a code witch will let you into the treasure book it has all the items that are out on cp or that have been out before. You can choose 3 items or more from the treasure book even if you are not a member!.
Aqua Grabber
penguin storm 11.6
you press e and m
When you buy the "Club Penguin elite force, Herbert's Revenge", there is a agent card behind all of the instruction manuals. Enter the code on cp. You will get 1500 coins, the elite puffle: Flare, an EPF phone, and a free agent coat.
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