Mt. Marcy Keene, New York, is in area code 518, the same as Albany.
How big is Mt. Marcy?
The country code and area code of CuiabÌÁ- MT, Brazil is 55, (0)65.
The country code and area code of RondonÌ_polis- MT, Brazil is 55, (0)66.
Mount Vernon, Ohio, is in area code 740.
Mt. Marcy is in the Adirondak State Park.
The country code and area code of Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea is 675, 52.
The telephone country code for Zimbabwe is +263. The area code for Darwendale is 069, or +263 69 in international format.
The elevation of Mount Marcy, the highest peak in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, is 5,344 feet (1,629 meters).
Mt Erebus lies on Ross Island, Antarctica, in that area.
There's not a code for mew...You just need to catch all the unowns and put them in place...then you unlock mew's area!...(he's in Mt. Moon on tuesdays and...)
Mount Marcy is primarily composed of anorthosite, which is a type of igneous rock that is rich in feldspar minerals and typically has a light color. This rock type is commonly found in the Adirondack Mountains of New York where Mount Marcy is located.