Middlesbrough is in UK telephone area code 01642, or +44 1642 in international format.
(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
The country code and area code of Middlesbrough, United Kingdom is 44, (0)1642.
Barclays plc in Middlesbrough, UK
Middlesbrough East - UK Parliament constituency - ended in 1974.
Middlesbrough East - UK Parliament constituency - was created in 1918.
All UK area codes begin with a 0. There is no area code 6010 in the UK, and there is no 06010 code either.
UK area code 020 is London.
There is no area code 20 in the UK
There is no 01134 code in the UK.
For latest emergency school closings in the United Kingdom, tune in to the BBC or visit the Directgov web site, where you can get the latest closings for your area by typing in your post code.
The area of Roman Catholic Diocese of Middlesbrough is 4,000 square kilometers.
The country code and area code of Aberdeen, United Kingdom is 44, (0)1224.
Cambridge is in area code 01223, or +44 1223 from outside the UK.