The area code for Hollywood, CA is 323.
Area code: 323
Zip Codes-- North Hollywood: 91601~91618
Hollywood: 90027, 90028, 90038, 90068, 90078
Hollywood, California, is mostly in area code 323, but parts are in area codes 310 & 424 and 818 & 747.
Hollywood, Florida, is in area codes 954 & 754.
There are also many other places named Hollywood.
Hollywood, CA, is mostly in area code +1 323.
(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
The most likely area code for a location in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles, California, is 323. However, since Hollywood Hills is a neighborhood designation with no exact boundaries, it is also possible that the area code could be 310 or 424, especially in the area known as "Hollywood Hills West."
Beverly Hills, California, is divided between area code 323 in the northeast and area codes 310 and 424 (overlay) in the southwest.
Hollywood Hills, CA Zip CodesZip codes for Hollywood Hills, California are 90027, 90028, 90038, 90068 and 90078.
he lives in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, CA
The area code 90210 is located in Beverly Hills, California. Beverly Hills is a city in Los Angeles County which is home to the famous Rodeo Drive, a very famous shopping area known for its designer labels and rich clientele.
Los Angeles ,CA Hollywood And Beverly Hills :)
Brittany lived in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, CA.
Martinez, CA, is in area code 925.
hollywood ca in the hills a cross the street from cnn buliding
Victorville, CA, is in area code 760 and overlay code 442.
Holly Hills is a suburb located in St. Louis, Missouri. Holly Hills has opulent homes that matches with the 1920's Hollywood, CA era. The area has churches, shopping centers, and one of the largest parks in St. Louis.
The area code for North Highlands, CA is 916.