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It can be very benficial to a business as it can boost their sales. This is because they can have online shopping. It would also make them well known; this would definately increase custom and help the business to become successful.

The disadvanteg are that they can easily be hacked. Businesses would suffer from this as customer details can be stolen and businesses would have to pay thousands in return as compensation.

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12y ago
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15y ago

ADVANTAGES,1,IT will help the company to get advise from the public.2,it will help the company to more on what they dont know.3,informing them on what the public needs.4,get surpport from the public,like in the monetry aspect.DISADVANTAGES.1,leting the public more about them.2,know secret for the company.3,stilling some of the companys portiancial doccument by the public.

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11y ago

Usefulness: are user's needs satisfied by the interface functionality?

Learnability: how easy is it for the user to fulfill basic tasks when using the system for the first time?

Efficiency: after the user knows the interface, how fast is s/he able to accomplish the given tasks?

Ease of memorization: when the user returns to the interface after a while, how easily does s/he find the various functions again?

Reliability: is the interface conceived in such a way that the user makes as few mistakes as possible?

User-friendliness : does the user like using the interface?

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13y ago


It can be reached 24/7

Less money for the companies

You can obtain things over seas

Faster communication

there isn't really any barriers that i could find

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15y ago

Pros: Learn things and expand your horizons Cons: It eats up time and makes you stay up too late!

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