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the andromeda galaxy

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Q: What is the Milky Way Galaxy's nearest large neighboring galaxy?
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What is the milky way galaxy nearest large neighboring galaxy?

the andromeda galaxy

What is the sun galaxys name?

the milky wayis the galaxy that our sun is in

What are galaxy?

we are in the milky way galaxy

Is there aliens living in other milky way galaxy?

there are no other milky way galaxys there is only one so your answer is no

Is the Andromeda Galaxy in the Milky Way Galaxy?

No. It is our closest neighboring galaxy.

Is the Milky Way bigger than nearby galaxys?

The nearest spiral galaxy to us is called Andromeda. It's also known as M31, and is believed to contain upwards of one trillion stars. That makes it about twice the size of the Milky Way. The nearest galaxy of any type is an irregular dwarf galaxy called the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy. It is smaller, and is believed to be in the process of being absorbed into the Milky Way.

What is the name of your large galaxy nearest to your milky way?

Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way Galaxy. It is the largest galaxy of the Local Group, which also contains the Milky Way, the Triangulum Galaxy, and about 30 other smaller galaxies.

What is the milky ways neighboring galaxy?

no one knows

Where is Andromeda gallaxy?

Our galaxy is the Milky way. Andromeda is the nearest galaxy to our milky way.

What is name of the nearest galaxy to the milky way?

The nearest non-dwarf galaxy is the Andromeda galaxy.

How far is the nearest spiral galaxy?

The nearest Spiral Galaxy is our own Milky Way Galaxy. After that, is the Andromeda Galaxy.

Which is the nearest Galaxy to Milky way?

The second nearest is the Saggitarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.