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Tweet, re-tweet, Follow Friday are all examples of terminology found on Twitter.

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Q: What is some of Twitter's terminology?
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Their twitters are @Real_Liam_Payne @NiallOfficial @ZaynMalik @Harry_Styles And @Louis_Tomlinson (:

Why are birdwatchers called 'twitters'?

Birds go tweet. And twitters is shorter and catchier than birdwatcher.

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hey i guess twitters technical name would be a "social microblogging platform".

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What are 'Twitters'?

People who have a account and tweet regularly either via the website our other 3rd party tools are known as Twitters or Twits.

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well twitter is no way nere safe

What does the word terminology mean?

Terminology is some group of terms or words that are used in discussing some specific subject. Chemistry has its own terminology.

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Their Twitter account is @lostprophets

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a swallow twitters on the web