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Saturation region is one in which the output current is independent of the input and remains almost constant. Hence, MOSFETs in saturation are modeled as current sources( whose current is independent of voltage across it)

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Q: What is saturation region in general?
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Which regions FET can be operated as a switch?

Saturation region(on) and Cut off region(off).

Why transistors are designed?

For switching applications transistor is biased to operate in the saturation or cutoff region. Transistor in cutoff region will act as an open switching whereas in saturation will act as a closed switch.

What arer the 3 legs of a transistor?

Emitter, Collector and Base cutoff region, saturation region, and liner region

What is saturation and active region in a transistor?

The output current of a transistor is controlled by the current in the 'base' input: Increasing the control current will increase the output current in a more or less linear fashion. In the saturation region, this is no longer true: The transistor is nearing the limits of how much current it can conduct, so increasing the control current further has little or no effect. When using a transistor as an amplifier, you want to stay away from the saturation region as it would distort the signal you are amplifying. When using a transistor as an on/off switch, as in digital circuits, being in the saturated region is 'on' and a normal mode of operation.

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Region where rock spaces are filled with water:it is below the zone of aeration and the water table

What is the difference between nonlinear devices and linear devices?

In saturation region transistor acts as a non linear device i.e, there is no linear relation between input and output because in saturation region output does not change for variation in input. Whereas in other operating mode transistor acts as a linear device.

How does saturation effect RF value?

In general, as saturation increases, the RF value decreases. This is because an increase in saturation tends to increase retention of the compound on the stationary phase, resulting in a lower RF value. Conversely, lower saturation levels may allow the compound to move more freely, leading to a higher RF value.

When the portion of a pressure enthalpy diagram is beneath the saturation curve then?

the substance is typically in a two-phase region, where it exists simultaneously as both a liquid and a vapor. This means that the substance is at its saturation temperature and pressure.

What is the difference between linear and saturation regions in field effect transistor?

In the linear region, the transistor has an almost linear I versus V curve, which means that as you increase drain-source voltage, current changes proportionally, e.g. to a loose approximation, the FET behaves like a resistor, whose resistance is set by the gate-source voltage. In the saturation region, the I vs V curve looks like a horizontal line (almost) so it acts like more like a switch (neither of these analogies is exact, but they give the general idea).

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Reverse saturation current of Ge diode?

The reverse saturation current of a germanium (Ge) diode is the current that flows when the diode is in reverse bias and no significant forward current is present. It is caused by thermally generated minority charge carriers in the diode. This current is typically in the range of microamps to milliamps for Ge diodes.

What general moved an army into the disputed region in Texas?

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