Publishers Clearing House was created in 1953.
No, David Sawyer is not the CEO of Publishers Clearing House. As of my last update, the CEO of Publishers Clearing House is Mark Goodridge.
Publishers Clearing House is headquartered in Jericho, New York.
Call the White House.
Mike Wexford
Yes, Publishers Clearing House does award prizes through sweepstakes entries. However, it is important to note that winning is not guaranteed, and individuals should be cautious of scams that use the Publishers Clearing House name to deceive people.
Publishers Clearing House has been use by scammers sending email pretending to be a company. Keep in mind that scammers do not use their real names when defrauding people. The criminals either abuse names of real people or companies or invent names or addresses. Any real people or companies mentioned below have no connections to the scammers.
I will
The 2015 Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes was won by John Wyllie from White City, Oregon. He won $5,000 a week "Forever".