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Paging refers to the division of address spaces into fixed size units and the logical addresses are in the form of tuples. On the other hand, segmentation is the dividing of address spaces into a defined number of segments.

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9y ago
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11y ago

In computer operating systems that have their main memory divided into pages, paging (sometimes called swapping) is a transfer of pages between main memory and an auxiliary store, such as hard disk drive.[1] Paging is an important part of virtual memory implementation in most contemporary general-purpose operating systems, allowing them to use disk storage for data that does not fit into physical RAM. Paging is usually implemented as architecture-specific code built into the kernel of the operating system.


Segmentation is one approach to memory management and protection in the operating system. It has been superseded by paging for most purposes, but much of the terminology of segmentation is still used, "segmentation fault" being an example. Some operating systems still have segmentation at some logical level although paging is used as the main memory management policy.

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13y ago


Paging is a memory-management scheme which allow the physical address of a process to be non-contiguous.

The basic implementation of paging involves breaking physical memory in fixed sized blocks called frame and breaking logical address (generated by CU) in fixed sized blocks called page. Usually page size and frame size is same. Every address generated by CPU is divided into two parts a) page number(p) and page offset(d). The page table is used a index in the page table. The page table contains the base address of each page in physical memory. This base address combines with the page offset (d) to locate the space in the physical memory.

This is simply what the paging is all about.......!!

And about the how the page number and page offset is divided and used in the determination of physical address and page table you should consult any good book.......

Thank you...

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14y ago

Paging occurs when the operating system swaps the contents of a portion of active memory (RAM) with an image of another portion of active memory that was written to disk (in the page file). Using this technique the operating system is able to run programs that require more memory (RAM) than actually exists in the hardware of the computer.

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13y ago

what is page segmentation in dbms

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Q: What is paging and segmentation in an operating system?
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How Intel Pentium supports segmentation and paging?

The Intel Pentium supports pure segmentation and segmentation with paging. The processor creates logical addresses, which are mapped to physical addresses by the segmentation unit. Those addresses may point to physical addresses within memory or paged swap space.

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What is paging system implementation?

The question is not very clear - in general the implementation of paging is too complex to answer in a Wiki answer entry; I suggest you take a look at any Operating System theory book.

Why paging is faster than segmentation?

Paging is a technique with the help of which we can divide the memory into pages which help us to easly access the files and it also decreases the Execution time (Saves SYSTEM time). It also creates a mirage of Memory.

What operating system will allow you to simultaneously run more programs than the physical memory of the computer will hold?

Any operating system that allows for "paging" or "swapping" is capable of this.

What is a paging algorithm?

"Paging" is when the operating system writes contents of RAM memory to disk, to free space for other uses.A paging algorithm specifies which RAM content to page (write to disk) when it needs more space.See related link.

What is advantages of paging in operating system?

Paging has many advantages. First of all, paging allows you to relocate memory areas to other places where they are more useful. For example, any operating system must divide memory in two areas, one for the operating system itself (OS, data, management tables, ...) and one for the user programs. The area for the OS must be subdivided into areas to store each driver and its data. The area for the user must be subdivided to store each program and its data.

What is page stealing in operating system?

Some Operating Systems periodically look for pages that have not been recently referenced and add them to the Free page queue, after paging them out if they have been modified.

What is the best restaurant paging system?

The best paging system is Wendy's drive thru

Explain how virtual memory system using demand paging?

Demand paging is a process which involves the copying and relocation of data from a secondary storage system to random access memory (RAM), a main memory storage system. Demand paging copies and relocates data to facilitate the fastest access to that data. Once the data is relocated, demand paging sends a command to the operating system to inform it that the data file or files are now ready to be loaded. Demand paging is performed on demand, or after a command has been sent to retrieve specific data.

Why paging is needed?

Paging is a way for the operating system to load data from a storage device onto RAM. When there is insufficient amount of space in RAM and if a page file is enabled, it will swap data between RAM and the swap file (typically on a storage device).