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the sun is a major one, like all stars, it contains lots and lots of plasma. but the only naturally occurring plasma on Earth is lightning. it is used in fluorescent lights as well, but this is not naturally occurring plasma.

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Plasma will exist in very low pressure environments.

Plasma can be found in outer space.

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Q: What is needed for plasma to exist and where can it be found?
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Where can matter be found in plasma state in blood or livers or river or lightning?

Matter can be found in the plasma state in lightning. Lightning is a form of plasma, which is a state of matter where atoms are stripped of their electrons and exist as ionized gas. Plasma is commonly found in stars, lightning, and certain experimental setups, rather than in blood, livers, or rivers.

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In what conditions will plasma exist?

The conditions in the sun's core that allows the plasma state to exist hydrogen nuclei.

How does natural plasma exist?

Natural plasma exists in various forms in the universe, such as in stars, lightning, auroras, and the ionosphere. It is created when high energy sources like heat or electrical discharges strip electrons from atoms, creating a mixture of charged particles that can conduct electricity and exhibit unique properties.

When does plasma exist?

Plasma exists at high temperatures where atoms are stripped of their electrons, resulting in a state of matter where both electrons and nuclei are free to move independently. Plasma is commonly found in stars, lightning, neon lights, and fusion reactors.

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Why is plasma important to the universe?

because if plasma didn't exist we wouldn't! The sun and all stars are made of plasma :-)

In what state must matter exist for fusion reactions to take place?

Matter must exist in a state called plasma for fusion reactions to take place. Plasma is a highly energized state of matter in which electrons are stripped from their atoms, allowing for the nuclei to collide and undergo fusion. This state is commonly found in stars like our Sun.

Why can plasma not exist on Earth?

Plasma can exist on Earth, and in fact, it is the most common state of matter in the universe. Lightning, flames, and the sun are examples of plasma that exist on Earth. However, creating and containing plasma in controlled environments for practical applications can be challenging due to the high temperatures and magnetic fields required.

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Where is plasma found besides the sun?

plasma can be found on any star really

Do plasma cannons exist?

No. Why? Because I said so