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A microblogging website is, obivously, a place to "micro-blog". Microbloggin is where you post a short sentence or two up for others to see. Microblogging is useful if you want to update, or if you're a random person and feel like typing.

Good microblogging websites are:

Although I suggest Twitter because it has good user-functiionality and a very good interface. Plus, Twitter is most popular and you will get noticed more easily.

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Xander Weimann

Lvl 10
3y ago
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14y ago

A microblogging website is, obivously, a place to "micro-blog". Microbloggin is where you post a short sentence or two up for others to see. Microblogging is useful if you want to update, or if you're a random person and feel like typing.

Good microblogging websites are:

Although I suggest Twitter because it has good user-functiionality and a very good interface. Plus, Twitter is most popular and you will get noticed more easily.

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Suresh Kumar

Lvl 2
4y ago

How To Get The Most Seo And Web Traffic Benefits From Blogging


The best way to get people and search engines (which means more people) to your website is by getting relevant inbound links. If you have some spiffy new gimmick on your website this may be easy as everyone will be linking to you.

However, with a basic, solid web page the process maybe much more difficult and slower. How do you get people to link to you?

The best way is to empty your wallet! Ok, just kidding, but first we will learn how easy that is.

For example there is a pay for blogging service that will cost you at least $5 per blog post (ie: per link) and maybe $25 or more. Now that will eat up your budget, and fast. These paid blog links don’t come with any guarantee. You might get lots of visitors and you might not get any at all.


Pay per click is another great option for spending all your money. This will bring you visitors for sure and you’ll know how much each one costs. That’s it. There is no long term benefit. The ads show for only as long as you pay for them. When your money isn’t on the table, you don’t exist!

You can buy links all over the place and again this may end up costing you a pretty penny, you may or may not get suitable results but when you stop paying the results (good or bad) stop. You gain nothing for the future.

Now blogs are a great way to get visitors and develop a long term return. Blog posts tend to stick around for a long time. The trick here is to get people to blog about your website without forking over a bundle of your hard earned cash.


A great idea is to become a guest blogger. This would be where you write blog posts for other people’s blogs. Read: your links on someone else’s website for free!

This puts you in the drivers seat for a couple of reasons. First you have control over exactly what is said. Secondly, if you do a good job you may have the opportunity to make regular blog posts. That will build an audience on the blogs for your writing and turn into more and higher quality traffic for your website.

The key to being a great guest blogger is to write short (3 to 6 or so paragraph) posts that are interesting, informative, humorous and relevant to the topic of the blog (and your website). Of course they sho

uld have a link to your website. Don’t over do the linking. Don’t make it sound like an advertisement or something you just cut and pasted from your website.

A few minutes to compose a couple of well thought out paragraphs could do wonders for your web traffic. Keep looking for guest blogging opportunities and never use the same post for more than one blog. One post could bring a lifetime of traffic.

This may well be your most effective way to developing quality web traffic and enhancing your the SEO for your website(s).

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9y ago

Micro blogging is 140-200 word blogs. It is text format blogging but some blogging services allows video and audio posts.

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Is Twitter a micro blog?

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What is the most popular micro-blogging tool?

Twitter is the key player in space and the company is used synonymously with Micro-blogging. The free service allows users to post status updates via SMS, email or web browsers. Twitter has an open platform allowing third party developers to build on top of it.

What does the term twitter mean in technology?

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates. Source: FiberStore

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Micro blogging is a service provides the facility to users send and publishes short message but in blog you write complete description on particular topic.

What is the name of the world's most popular micro-blogging server?

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Example of micro-blog?

Micro-blogging is similar than regular blogging except that the content is typically much smaller and shorter. Micro-blogging allows bloggers to exchange small elements of context in any subject. Micro-blogging can be over any subject, such as "what is the healthiest dinner food" to "vacation destinations." Answers to these questions would range in short responses like, "One of the healthiest dinner foods is Kale because of the large amount of nutrients it provides" or "Maldives is among one of the most popular vacation destinations in the World."

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What is Status Reader?Status Reader is a Social Networking, Social Bookmarking and Micro Blogging status updates reader. Website:The Status Reader has a web service. See Related Link. Services:There are some Social Networking, Social Bookmarking and Micro Blogging services which are can be read by the reader, including Twitter, Plurk, Blogger, WordPress, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and more.

Why is twitter called micro blogging?

Because each tweet is almost like a "mini" (or micro) blog with you detailing what you are doing/your thoughts etc.

What is via Twitter?

If you've seen "via twitter" on a blog post or through another medium, it means that the author found out about that information through twitter, a social network and micro-blogging service.

Is Tumblr a virus?

No It's not. It's a safe Blogging service.

What is microblogging?

A microblogging website is, obivously, a place to "micro-blog". Microbloggin is where you post a short sentence or two up for others to see. Microblogging is useful if you want to update, or if you're a random person and feel like typing. Good microblogging websites are: Although I suggest Twitter because it has good user-functiionality and a very good interface. Plus, Twitter is most popular and you will get noticed more easily.

What are the alternatives to blogs?

Forums, regular websites, and many other content management systems. There are also new micro-blogging services like