00 is a commonly used international access prefix 7 is the country code for Russia and Kazakhstan 777 is the code for a GSM mobile phone in Kazakhstan but you have too many digits It is not a valid number.
7 is the country code of Kazakhstan/Russia
+7 is the country code for Russia and Kazakhstan.
Country code +7 is Russia and Kazakhstan. Numbers beginning with +7 76 are in Kazakhstan.
There is no area code 738 in country code +1 (North America = US, Canada, etc.). An international number beginning with +7 is in Russia or Kazakhstan.
Country code +7 is Russia and Kazakhstan, but there is no area code +7 325. In Australia, a number beginning with +61 7 3 is in Brisbane, Queensland.
Country code +7 is Russia and Kazakhstan; a number beginning +7 9 is probably a mobile in Russia.
Country code +7 is Russia and Kazakhstan, and +7 961 is a mobile in Russia.
00 isn't part of the country code, it is a commonly used international access prefix. Country code +7 is Russia and Kazakhstan, and numbers beginning with +7 7 are in Kazakhstan.
Russia and Kazakhstan both have country code +7.
+7 is Russia and Kazakhstan.