

What is ips exam?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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12y ago

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Upon a quick search its possible it could be an acronym for "Indian Police Service." and could be an exam on how one might join. Though if it's not correct then it is possibly an acronym for the department or field the exam is oriented in.

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you can take any subject to be an IPS. the subject wont matter for this job. you can take take any subject you are interested in and write an IPS exam.

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Can i wrote the ips exam with one sitting distance education degree certificate?

y not. all Indian's have a right to serve their country.

Will it engineers have chance to become ips?

Every one has a chance of becoming IPS. Even the illiterate young farmer in a remote village can be an IPS. All its needs is determination and qualification. He can complete his education and then write the civil services exam to be an IPS. So it should be pretty easy for an engineer to join IPS. You are already a graduate and well versed in Internet and Technology which might come as a plus for you. One thing that will be required of you is to be healthy. You defintely cannot apply for a IPS position with half an eye, quarter of an ear and no legs. If you are seriously considering the IPS line then get yourself some excersice and read the requirments of the UPSC exams.

Hi Ive question about Indian UPSC IPS exam eligibility I born on 13th June 1983 and thinking to attend exam on June 2013 SO am I eligible in terms of age?

Yes, of course! Age eligibility is between 21-30.

How can You become IPS?

saeps to becoma an IPS