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Hunter Hayes's official twitter account is @HunterHayes. You can easily find celebrities/noticeable people's twitter account by looking at the blue badge beside their name; If they have one, it means their identity is confirmed, if not, it means they might not be who they pretend to be.

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Q: What is hunter Hayes twitter username?
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How many characters can a Twitter username be?

There is no minimum number of characters that a Twitter username has to have. You can have a username with only one character, if you would like. There is a maximum number of characters that a username can have, though. A username cannot be longer than 15 characters.

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To do a retweet on Twitter by someone famous you can either use Twitter's in-built retweet function or type 'RT@username' where username is the famous person's username on Twitter and press 'tweet'.

How do you get a username on Twitter?

You choose your username when you sign up.