My friend Dennis at American Leak Detection says:
"If you are referring to your main that goes to the house it is 55-75 psi, if you are referring to the main at the street it will vary between 100-120 psi"
(Hey what can I say I have smart friends!)
Normally - from the river to a purification plant, then into the domestic water mains and into your home via the tap.
Certain Acid and Chemical wastes and Older domestic water mains
Water Mains or Connection Construction
In an unvented system, hot water can be at a higher pressure than the cold mains due to the presence of a pressure-reducing valve on the cold water supply. This valve controls the pressure of the cold water coming into the system, allowing the pressure of the hot water, which is heated and stored at a higher temperature, to be higher. Additionally, the expansion vessel in the system helps regulate pressure fluctuations by absorbing excess pressure from heating water.
Call your city hall or Water Works for the information of what PSI it is set at.
30 litres per minute
50 psi
Turn up the mains pressure or replace your water lines if you have galvanised piping, the internal diameter might have been reduced due to rust.
You can test the water for chlorine levels using a pool water test kit. Mains water typically contains chlorine, which is used to disinfect the water. If the water shows a chlorine residual, it is likely mains water.
In the combo boiler for the central heating? You need a small piece of hose (or it might have a permanent connection) to fix to the mains from the boiler. Then turn the taps near the boiler for the mains and the boiler. You want the pressure to be about 1.3 bar
In a typical municipal water system, water pressure is caused by gravity. It works like this: Water is stored in a reservoir which could be underground or above ground. From here it is pumped through a filtration and treatment system, then into tall water towers. From these towers it is gravity fed to the water mains under the street that supply water to the houses, shops and factories. The reason for pumping the water to a tower first, and not directly to the mains, is to avoid fluctuations in pressure during periods of high and low usage. In a rural or cottage system, there is often no buffer tank, so the pressure fluctuates up and down constantly as you use the taps.
a) general view of pressure chamber; b) scheme of action of water pressure in the cross section of the element