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Out going mail means your shipping mail to another place of sobumesort, Im not positively sure but thats what it means pretty much

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Q: What is definition of outgoing mail?
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What is the outgoing mail server for

Outgoing mail server (SMTP):

How do you put outgoing in a sentence?

He is the outgoing president. She put the letter in outgoing mail.

What is the defition of the word outgoing?

the meaning of the word outgoing is a person who is very sociable or friendly. It could also mean the process of departing or going out of a building or place "I have outgoing mail in my inbox" The mail is in the inbox and is waiting to be sent out.outgoing means being sociable, open, and friendly with others

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What is the definition of extrovert?

An outgoing person

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Does the mailman have to pick up your mail if he has nothing to deliver?

No, the mailman is not required to pick up outgoing mail if there is no mail to deliver. You typically need to alert the postal service or leave the outgoing mail in your mailbox for the mailman to pick it up.

When an isp gives a user the two mail server addresses smtpmyispnet and popmyispnet which address should be used for incoming mail and which should be used for outgoing mail? retrieves end out should be used for outgoing mail and should be used for incoming mail.

What is the definition of outgoing?

Going out or away; departing: an outgoing passenger train.Retiring from or relinquishing a place, position, or office: the outgoing chairperson.Addressed for sending: outgoing mail.Sociable and responsive to others; friendly: a warm, outgoing personality.Intended to be taken out, as from a restaurant: outgoing orders of Chinese food.

Which Internet port is used by the outgoing mail server?

Port 25 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

How long does it take mail to get across seas?

Canadian outgoing mail is automatically sent by air, but parcels are not.

Where can one rent an outgoing mail server?

You can rent an outgoing mail server from Sky. Sky rents TV channels, broadband, apps, and various other ways to communicate with the world around us.