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The word "internet" is a common noun that describes multiple networks that are connected together. For example, if Apple and Microsoft wanted to share data together, but not with the rest of the world, they might set up a private internet to allow data to flow between the two freely. The word "Internet" is a proper noun, and refers to the "World Wide Web" (WWW). It is the publicly accessible internet that is shared by the entire world to provide services and data to any other place in the world. Note that the proper noun version is used with the word "the", as there is only one Internet, but there are many other internet configurations.

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The Internet has allowed small businesses to popup all across the internet. The Internet has made it affordable for individuals to start businesses.

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The internet can be used by small businesses to advertise their entry and products to prospective clients. Small businesses are able to cross check on all required procedures for completion of registration as their are diverse sources of information on the internet.

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Internet in Your Small Business Installation?

form_title=Install Internet in Your Small Business form_header=Connect your business to the wider world by adding an internet connection. How many employees do you have, or plan on having work for your small business?=_ Will you need wireless installed?= () Yes () No What capacity and speed will you need?=_

What is a small business internet?

A small business internet is that business' computers connecting to each other. It is handy because all you'd need is the computers and the necessary tools.

What is the best small business opportunity today?

A good small business opportunity in the modern era is the internet cafe. Everybody's obsessed with the internet these days and you can take advantage of it.

What features are important for small business internet services?

I myself think if you are operating a small business then the speed of your internet service should be the best your provider can provide, speed would be an asset to any small business.

Does AT&T small business provide affordable high speed internet for small business offices?

ATT does in fact offer affordable rates for the internet. You can get a basic internet connection for 14.99 a month to start. As well they offer upgraded internet packages that will have more bandwidth and better connection speeds.