A 'One-Way Conversation' is a conversation with usually just 2 people, (but can be more), in which one person dominates the conversation. The 1' person will talk, and talk, and talk, and not the other person say anything. The '1 person doing all the talking is usually talking about themselves.
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having a two-way conversation
Conversation is two-way by definition. One-way conversation is a figure of speech - an oxymoron, in fact - generally used to mean that one person does all the talking, and the other listens, rather sheepishly. But it is also used in reference to the psychotic utterances we overhear when someone nearby is talking on the telephone.
One way to keep accurate records of one to one communication is by recording the conversation. Recording the conversation is great when you have to be accurate.
One way to start the conversation is to ask how he is doing. You could also ask him how his day was and what he will be doing tomorrow.
One can initiate a conversation with the opposite gender the same way that they would their own. Saying hello and introducing oneself is an old standby that usually works.
This is the conversation, sorry I had to do it this way lol http://drakezedden.webs.com/
It can be considered an application of The "flapping" of a flag in the wind.
"Spoke to" suggests a one-way conversation where you are the speaker, while "spoke with" implies a two-way conversation where you are actively engaging with another person.
How much the speaker controls the conversation
Either a one-on-one conversation with someone online or a group conversation online.
One of the larger ones.